Unfortunately I am now looking for somewhere else to live and you know how it is... all the stuff you have accumulated over the past few years seems to have reached gigantic proportions with boxes and boxes of crap ready for the skip.
It is high time to spring clean our stuff and our business minds at the same moment. How much crap is in your head at the moment. Credit Crunch, House reposessions up and all that and business still seems to go on.
Clear it out and look at the new opportunities that exist all around you. There is only a recession in our minds. I love it when the press proudly announces that "£120 billion was wiped off the value of companies today" can they tell me where it has gone? no of course not because it didn't really exist in the first place. The stock market runs on rumour and emotion. If that is really the case are we right to leave our pensions in the hands of a bunch of uptight emotional degenerates who mix up rumours for lies...
Look to your own destiny. These big loss announcements are, they tell us, a reflection of confidence. When was the last time you were given money just because you were confident?
Spring clean and really lighten your load and clear out all the crap you have been fed over the past few months if you don't want it to happen it won't.
I don't have any tips on clearing out household junk or clearing our minds ( I usually go for a pint!)
But how about a plan for clearing out the crap we find on company websites?
The amount of times I come accross old product descriptions, old press releases, old news and even old contact details - the company moved and forgot to tell their web developer to update their site!!
Should you allow me to send you a 10 step guide to improving a web presence, just ask and I'll make it a post for you.
That would be great, thanks Tony
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