Sunday, December 28, 2008

Tween Christmas and New Year 2008

The is more bad news from those wonderful purveyors of doom the BBC and now of course the Church of England has decided to give financial advice. Following the reformation they can't still really think that their advice on property acquisition and management would amount to anything of any real value.
Since we are at it the world has been peddalling greed and selfishness for some two thousand years so the odd boom and bust does not mean that the world is coming to an end so cheer up tomorrow will still come around and the sun will still come up so pull the bed covers over your head and keep on going - My New Years resolution is based on helping as many people to reach their goals as possible and making sure that they don't waver just keep at it.
Most businesses that are headlined to fail should have gone years ago. Some of them it is just bad luck, like whittards, but Woolies and MFI should have closed for health reasons I can think of some twenty or so retailers I would like to see off the high street as of now and would never want to shop there if I had a choice not endearing enough to save them I think...
Let em go only the strong should survive lets lose a few banks as well!

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