Monday, January 28, 2008


Been to any meetings recently where you have been pinned in the corner by a salesman who sees you as "new meat" the slightly rabid glint in their eyes and clutching a handful of batered business cards. The conversation starts with "oh what do you do?" from that moment on you suddenly become superfluous and the wide eyed target hound slavers on about themselves and what they do when they do it and why they are the cheapest. If like me, you are allergic to sweaty fools with the IQ of roadkill then take a side step from this form of networking and stop wasteing your time. If you spend two hours a week keeping up with old clients you are doing your business more benefit than all other stuff. Crappy overpriced food in Hotels where the staff couldn't give a toss and organisers who rush around being mine host to a few chums.
Or of course you could try speed networking...

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