1. Failing to sell stuff - It's kind of important that someone other than you wants your stuff and is willing to part with the hard earned to get it.
2. Not keeping your eye on the cash - You must have heard that cash is king and unfortunately it's true without cash you lose your home, your kids don’t wear the best clobber and you all eventually starve. It's no fun living eating cardboard and beans.
3. Not chasing for payment - They owe you so go out and get it.
4. Under-pricing - Most small businesses and larger ones too don’t value what it is they do high enough. Remember it's not what you do it's what happens when you’ve done it that matters.
5. Failure to do a reality check on your basic business idea - Mad ideas are usually just that Mad.
6. Forgetting about the competition - Tricksy they are indeed - selling similar stuff to you and to your clients right under your nose keep an eye on them or maybe both eyes
7. Not getting the right advice when you need it - That’s where I come in call me and find out to keep going
8. Ignoring legalities Only take risks in the area you are most confident in – which for most people isn’t the law. The devil is in the detail check small print in contracts before you sign. Don’t commit to anything that you don’t think you can deliver on. Find a good lawyer and build a relationship with them legal wrangles can waste a lot of your time or even close you down if you get it wrong.
9. Taking too much money out too soon It's tempting, I know, but just because you put money in quickly - doesn’t mean you can take money out quickly. Whatever you think it costs add ten percent for contingency then another ten percent for SNAFU.
10. Getting trapped in long-term arrangements Flexibility is key and you need that flexibility at the start. Keep things as simple as possible and think about what you can do if things don’t go your way. The biggest strength of small businesses is that they can quickly change to take advantage of the opportunities they discover. Don’t throw this advantage away.